80 Day Obsession Phase TWO!! Week 1

So Christmas was nice this year. We all got some lovely gifts and my little nerd heart is overjoyed to share that I got the latest sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons (5th edition) Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, and so far it is amazing! I can’t wait to run it with my friends. So here is the start of a new week, I’m still powering my way through 80 Day Obsession, though today I very much had to have a pep talk with myself because I so did not want to get out of bed this morning, lol. Autumn changes things up this week and much of it consists of me asking “What fresh hell is this? Why Autumn, WHY?!?!” lol. But hey my weight keeps going down, and while the inches are slower to move, I can at least see some of the flub moving around, lol!! Anywho! Here is this week’s breakdown!

Day 27: Booty

Well. What the fuji apple was that?!? No really, what was that? Like the moves didn’t look terribly complicated or difficult, but mother of the gods was that a doozy! I didn’t really feel too much the first round, but by round 2 I was like “No more, please! My booty can’t take no more of this!!” (just a hint, I totally could, I was just being a weenie again). So this first week of Phase Two, we’re back to our 2 x 15 rep scheme, so we cycle through all the moves once with 15 reps each, then come back to the top and do it all over again. So that was fun. But I liked the hip hinge variations this phase, so the first one is a squat to hinge and that made me really focus and feel my muscles firing up in the right ways and I kept chanting “man, my ass is gonna look good this year!!” and I’m imaging maybe buying myself a pair of jeans for the first time in the gods only know when. I think the only move I legit hate are those blasted bear fire hydrants. So yeah, I modified those and instead did a regular old fire hydrant. I think next week I will definitely bump up to a heavier band and that will help me feel the muscles more. I’m still pretty sure I’m not going to ever do the bear part of it, but I’m okay with that. Also worth noting, I earned 115 points with my workout this morning, so only 35 more to go before the first point goal is reached!! I think I maybe can smash it today… but for sure tomorrow!!

Day 28: Cardio Core

Okay, so I didn’t hate it… but I didn’t love it either. I actually low key enjoyed it, even if there were points where I was like “Nooooo…. please no!” I still managed to work my way through it and modified the jumping moves and just took the jumps out. Still worked my butt off. Truth be told, there’s really only one move that I truly dislike and that is the bicycle twist crunches. Like who the fuji apple invented those?! Why were they invented? Do people not realize how bad those actually are for your back and neck? Ugh. So I took the crunch part out and instead just kept my shoulders off the ground and focused on my core muscles pulling my legs in and out to get the same kind of workout. Still felt it, and my abs are absolutely going to be sore tomorrow. All in all, I’m proud of myself. Even if it’s only day 2 of phase 2, it’s pretty awesome to know I kept going even when I wanted to stay in bed and watch the snow fall. Yes, it’s snowing like crazy here in Washington, though if we’re lucky, we won’t get another Snowmaggedon like we did in February 2019 where it snowed for weeks and we had THREE FEET OF SNOW. The kids missed a whole month of school and that was before Virtual schooling was a thing. In theory, if the schools are closed, maybe they can do virtual so they won’t be stuck in school until July. Anyway, time to get the day going!

Day 29: Total Body Core

I have a new least favorite workout – it’s this one. What the fuuuu…. just happened? Like seriously, was Autumn on drugs when she designed this one? I mean some of the moves are awesome and I liked them, but others, I even chanted “I’m not a weenie!” before following up with “Okay, yeah. I am definitely a weenie” The moves are complicated and all kinds of bonkers. I especially hate the Turkish Half-Get Ups, though I also hate the French Twist Pikes. Those are seriously the new bane of my existence, and I can only pray that next week when we move on to the 3 x 10 reps it will be slightly easier for me. Well. Maybe. We’ll see. Currently, my cat is going bonkers in the living room. Running around all “Mini-Mighty Huntress” mode and attempting to murder the Christmas tree skirt and a random piece of ribbon that she found. It’s hilarious.

Day 30: Legs

Pretty sure I might throw up after this. Like seriously, WTF?! Lord and Lady have mercy that one sucked, lol. I mean the regular weighted moves were hard enough (even with lighter weights) but the ones she added sliders to? Sweet mother of the gods. I am 1,000% not ashamed to admit I straight up modified and took out the sliders for some moves because yeah, I’m not about trying to fall on my face or blow out my knees. Even with my new knee stabilizer/brace it wasn’t pleasant. Using very light weights felt better on my lower back and took some of that pressure on my knees out, which just shows me that I am not ready for heavier weights yet. I’m okay with that. It’s all about Progress – NOT Perfection! So I will keep going and I will keep trying and pushing myself just a bit more every day. It’s snowing again in here in Washington. I think it’s pretty to look at for the first day or so, but after that it gets old and I just want it to go away. Though I also hate the smell of melting snow. The mix of the stale wet with mud and pollution is NOT pleasant to me and we hates it precious. Not to mention, I don’t drive in the snow, for one my van will not do it and bad things will happen if I attemt it, and two, I haven’t actually had to drive in the snow in about 20 years, when I owned my beloved Toyota Cressida with one studded tire, LOL! That bad boy could handle the snow and I almost never slid out. Anywho, almost done with the first week… just 2 more days until week 2 of phase 2 and I hopefully will like these next couple of weeks more.

Day 31: AAA

Let me just start with, I love this workout! Super challenging, but at the same 1,000% do-able. Even those core sliders (with slight modification) felt good. This one is definitely my favorite of this phase, I really like that up! down, one, two, three movement patterns as it allows me to really focus and feel the different muscles firing the way I need them to. Kept with my lighter weights as there were more reps than there will be next week (I’ll try slightly heavier weights then) and it’ll be a good thing. Tonight is New Year’s Eve, and I for one am glad to see 2021 go (much like the whole world was glad to see 2020 go out, not realizing that 2021 was also going to suck, lol) and am really hopeful that 2022 brings new hope and joy for people around the world. I think we could all use a little hope and joy. Also worth noting is it is my 25th anniversary of being with my partner (more often than not, we have a complicated relationship) and while he thinks it’s silly that I want to celebrate the night he first asked me out, it’s not like we have any other days to mark special like this. Plus, 25 years!! That’s longer than most people I know have been together/married! We’ve spent most of our lives in a reasonably committed and loving relationship, we share three amazing and wonderful boys, who while may bring a whole series of new challenges as they get older, bring no less love and light to our lives. I am proud to be with my partner, and while sure, there are times I don’t like him much, I still very much, very deeply love him. So tonight I send out my New Year’s wish – for love, laughter, joy, peace, good health and prosperity! Not just for me and my family, but for all of you out there as well!! Be blessed my friends, and stay safe!

Day 32: Cardio Flow

Happy New Year!!! YAY!!! Well, mostly yay. Yesterday, the beloved icon Betty White passed away at the age of 99 years old. Three short weeks shy of her 100th birthday. It’s sad, but also not terribly unexpected. I think most people just assumed she would live forever. But here we are, a brand-new year and our chance to start fresh. Cardio Flow was so much harder today, like I was back to calling it Hell Zoo day and feeling ready to give up and just lay in a pile in the corner of my living room sobbing hysterically. She added two more reps to the moves, so instead of 4 reps, we did 6 and those extra two were brutal, I swear! BUT! I did manage to get through it, even though I hit pause multiple times. I’m glad it’s done an over. Tomorrow is rest day, thank the gods!

Phase 2 Week 1 is DONE!! HUZZAH!! Monday the kids go back to school, and I will return to my usual time of working out in the mornings. I’ll miss the extra hour of sleep, but really, I just need to go to bed at a decent hour and all will be well. I’m just glad that the routine will return and that helps keep me sane, those little touchstones during the day that just provide stability for me. Winter is hard on me, I don’t like being cold, I don’t like the dark, damp, wet and grey of the season and it just sucks the life out of my soul. I cannot wait for spring and summer, so these workouts and this routine of mine helps keep me grounded and lifts my spirits up just enough that I’m not lost in a sea of depression. So yeah!! Anywho! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year celebration and that you are all blessed with love, light, joy and peace!!

Much love,

~ Ravenna

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