Started Working Out Again, so here’s Day 0 of 80 Day Obsession

It’s been another hot minute since I last wrote, but here I am! I’ve been busy with life, and well, I’ve come to some realizations about myself. Mostly that I am very overweight. I also learned that I have the beginning stages of kidney disease brought on by years and years of excessive obscene amounts of ibuprofen use to manage pain levels. So something has to change.

I also acquired a wedding dress a few weeks ago and it mostly fits… but it’s a tight squeeze. I need to breathe when I eventually wear it for my commitment ceremony (we finally set a date!), so more changes need to happen.

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So I decided it was time to start working out again. And tightening up my nutrition because let’s be honest, I kind of eat like garbage… or I don’t eat at all. Which is a holdover from my youth when I was battling an eating disorder. So I need to keep working on that.

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Once upon a time, I did a Beachbody program that not only kicked my arse, but gave me results that I wanted for myself. So that’s what I’m going to do. I like the program, it’s challenging, but not so much that I can’t do it, though there will be days that I feel like it. I just keep chanting “I can do hard things!” so that is my mantra for the next 80 days. I will do my best to write every day. My thoughts, my feelings, and even my opinions on the moves. I’m so not looking forward to Cardio Flow (aka Hell Zoo day), but I’ll get through it!

Tomorrow is Day 1 and I need some sleep, so I’ll see you tomorrow!!


~ Ravenna

Categories: Life

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2 thoughts on “Started Working Out Again, so here’s Day 0 of 80 Day Obsession

  1. imdoingwitchcraftoverhere

    Keep at it! Congratulations and good luck!

  2. Hi Ravenna,
    I hv followed u for very long time, but like u stray from my words on a pg fir timez on end.. This new post touched me I believe that one more time we r at same crossroads & wanted to let u know that as always I believe In u & I know u hv the strength of self to do it, for we both know if u don’t do it for self it will never b completed.. So hold to urself & I hope u continue for u & post for u & I will continue to chant not just for the Goddess in u, but also for mine & as always when we ask from inside ourselves Our Goddess’s Alwayz Cime Thru. Blessings, DarkzShadow

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